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The US, Antarctica and New York City

The Eisenhower interstate system requires that one mile in every five must be straight. These straight sections are usable as airstrips in times of war or other emergencies.

The Amazon River pushes so much water into the Atlantic Ocean that, more than one hundred miles at sea off the mouth of the river, one can dip fresh water out of the ocean.

The ice formation in Antarctica represents seventy percent of all the reserves of fresh water in the world.

The water of Angel Falls (the world's highest) in Venezuela
drops 3,212 feet (979 meters).
They are 15 times higher than Niagara Falls.

As strange as it sounds, Antarctica is essentially a desert;
the average yearly total precipitation is about two inches.

Canada is an Indian word meaning ' Big Village '.

There are more Irish in New York City than in Dublin, Ireland.

The deepest hole ever drilled by man is the Kola Super deep Borehole, in Russia.
It reached a depth of 12,261 meters (about 40,226 feet or 7.62 miles). It was drilled for scientific research and gave up some unexpected discoveries,
one of which was a huge deposit of hydrogen,
so massive that the mud coming from the hole was boiling.

If New York city had the same population density as Alaska,
only 25 people would be living in it.