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Good reasons to invest in Saudi Arabia

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has proven throughout the years to be one of the favourite and most profitable places in the world to invest in. In fact the KSA has been gaining ranks at the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) especially when it comes to the relative ease of establishing and starting up a new business or investment.
Many reasons have contributed to such developments:

Legal forces:

The KSA has gained stability in the region, along with a well structured legal system, political stability and international support, which provide to businessmen and entrepreneurs a very safe environment to invest in.

Demographic-economic forces:

- Saudi Arabia is the richest country in the Middle East and the Muslim world. This is because Saudi Arabia holds one of the world's largest proven oil reserves.
Residents from diverse cultures and background constitute Saudi complex society. Highly ranked executives, middle management employees, global investors, powerful entrepreneurs, these are the added value to such strong economy.

- The principal growth sectors are energy production and manufacturing, yet high-class tourism and international finance are the new sectors that are booming.

- The SAGIA (Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority) which is in the process of building an additional four mega economic cities around the kingdom, these cities represent the best environment for foreign businessmen and entrepreneurs to start up their own business with a 100% ownership.

- The CMA (Capital Markets Authority) that offers 100% foreign ownership, and a tailor-made financial regulatory system with laws taken from best practices in other leading financial centers like New York, London, and Singapore.

- The GDP (Growth Domestic Product) per capita is in a constant development.


Saudi Arabia has a current strong emphasis on technological advancement; it creates a good opportunity for all entrepreneurs and global investors to start up their business in such environment.
On a financial view, technology plays an important role especially in the field of telecommunications, computing and advanced software improving the quality of services and returns to clients.


Immigrants make up a large percentage of the Saudi workforce, which creates healthy social interrelations.
Hence, traditional forms of art and culture are preserved, diversification is however evident.

Potential Customers & investors:

Saudi Arabia's society offers the opportunity to target potential clients that would be interested in investments such as entrepreneurs, investors, high classed executives and wealthy individuals, which can prove the high growth of such commodities in the Saudi markets.