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Water is life

An adult human being can stay alive ultimately for 30 days without any food, but only seven days without water.

70% of a human body is made from water.

Lack of water in the human body is the first cause of fatigue during the day.

A simple reduction of 2% of the water in the human body may cause short term memory incoherence, lack of concentration, writing and typing errors.

According to the university of washington, a glass of water in the evening helps to reduce the feeling of hunger for persons who are on diet.

Five glasses of water per day can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 45%, breast cancer by 79% and vesica cancer by up to 50%.

Some studies reveal that 8 to 10 glasses of water per day may significantly reduce back and articulation pain for up to 80% of those who suffer such symptoms.

Drinking water at appropriate times during the day can maximize its positive effects on human body:

Two glasses of water in the morning help activating the internal organs,

One glass of water before any meal helps digestion,

A glass of water before bed reduces the risk of heart attacks.

At last but not least, water would be the only proof of a possible extra terrestrial life on any planet.

Rome, Siberia and Minnesota

The smallest island in the world having the status of “Country” is Pitcairn Polynesia, at just 1.75 square miles/4,53 square kilometers.

The first city to reach a population of 1 million people was Rome, Italy in 133 B.C.

Siberia’s famous forests: Taiga & Tundra represent more than 25% of the world's forests.

The smallest sovereign entity in the world
is the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (S.M.O.M).
It is located in the city of Rome, Italy, has an area of two
tennis courts and, as of 2001, has a population of 3 people.
It is a sovereign entity under international law, just as the Vatican is.

In the Sahara Desert, there is a town in Algeria named Tidikelt, which has not received a drop of rain for ten years.

The word Spain literally means 'the land of rabbits'.

St. Paul, Minnesota, was originally called Pig's Eye
after a European man named Pierre 'Pig's Eye' Parrant
who lived and set up the first business there.

Ninety percent of the world's ice can be found in Antarctica .

The chance to find an unpaved road:
in the U.S.A. : 1%
in Sudan: 97%